Natural History Museum

Haunted Museum

Award-winning invite for the annual member’s-only event, “Haunted Museum: Escape From Uncharted Island”. Invite includes a cryptic letter, RSVP card, and a hand-drawn journal containing mysterious polaroids. For the actual event, members were given a map and instructed to visit different stations around the museum to collect a special sticker. Once completed, they were given a UV-flashlight to shine on the map, which revealed a secret message. After finding the hidden waterfall, they rolled a pair of magic die to escape the island and rewarded with sweet, sweet candy.

Associate Creative Director, Lead Illustrator: Lindi Koprivnikar
Junior Designer, Illustrator: Matthew Herrera
Creative Director: Emily Carlson
Design Director: Joey Mann

Art Direction • Concepting • Illustration • Print Design


CUT Games